Website Personalization Results

Personalizing key content to deliver conversions and results

ZAG has collected data from several financial institution clients who have sites built in Kentico and are leveraging the Content Personalization feature. Each personalization approach is as unique as each client. We begin by creating personas aligned with key visitor or business goals. We then implement the personas in the CMS, adding the personalized content in the CMS, setup tracking to monitor results, test and then launch. The results for several recent clients speak for themselves.

Institution 1: Certificate Special Account Opening 

  • Personalized content was responsible for 10% of all conversions
  • 609% increase in completed online applications while personalized promotions were in place

Institution 2: Online Account Opening Goal

  • Personalized content was responsible for 10% of all conversions 
  • 5% of visitors who saw personalized content converted, in comparison to .65% of visitors who who saw non-personalized content
The most popular areas to personalize content on a bank or credit union website is in an online banking login promo (home page), a home page masthead, or home page subpromos.

Institution 3: Homepage Promo

  • Visitors that matched a persona were more likely to click a promo than visitors who didn't see a personalized promo 
  • Vistors seeing a personalized promo had a conversion rate of 16% versus 0.73% conversion rate for non personalized visits
The promotions that featured personalized imagery and copy received almost the same number of clicks, but from a much smaller audience.