Client Support

Have you ever purchased a homeowners warranty to cover the cost of unexpected repairs? That's sort of how Support & Maintenance works for your site.

Create a New Ticket (ZAG Help)

View Existing Tickets (Workfront)

System Status

Our Client Services department manages website maintenance after your site has transitioned from the development phase. We handle requests and solve issues to maintain, or improve, your website's quality so you continue enjoying it worry-free.

We're your fix-it pros ready to tackle any job, large or small.

Here's how we work

  • Receive client requests, resolve issues and complete work requests
  • Triage new work requests and issues submitted by customers, account managers and other stakeholders
  • Communicate thoroughly with customers while providing timely updates on progress
  • Recommend solutions that will maintain or enhance your website's quality
  • Engage other departments, when appropriate, to provide a comprehensive solution

Here's how you reach us

We provide all of our clients with access to Workfront, our support ticket system for entering new requests and issues. All of the information about your request is available in this central location, available to you anytime so you can monitor progress of your ticket. Within that ticket, the ZAG Support team provides updates and lets you know when the ticket is complete. You also can jump into the conversation to provide feedback, ask questions and approve the work you’ve requested.

A: If you are concerned your website may be down, please find information on Active Incidents in case there is an outage related to an ongoing issue already being addressed. If there is nothing related to your website on that list, please enter a ticket into Workfront and be sure to mention that you are experiencing a Site Down Emergency. If your website is down during non-business hours (any time other than 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST or on the weekend), please send an email to [email protected].

A: We take every precaution to ensure that there is as little downtime as possible for the sites we host. That said, regular maintenance is necessary to ensure your website’s optimal performance and security. We always attempt to perform maintenance during times when it will have the least impact on your operations. Despite our best efforts, it’s possible that a maintenance event could lead to unplanned or extended service interruption.

A: Any update made in Workfront triggers notifications to our Client Services team members, and the team is constantly monitoring the system to ensure nothing is missed. One extra step you can take to make sure your update is received as soon as possible is to utilize the "tagging" feature on your comment. If you're not sure how to tag someone within Workfront, see the information below.
A: When you make a new status update to your ticket you will see a small icon in the lower right-hand corner that looks like two people talking. If you click on that, a new field will pop up where you can type in the name of the developer you've been working with. As you start typing, their full name will generate and you can click to add them to the note. You can add as many people as you want. Tagging this person sends an email to them and generates a notification in their Workfront instance to make them aware of your update.

A: Your ZAG Help and Workfront logins are identical. Both are case sensitive, so make sure you are entering your information using the same capitals and lowers with which you set up your account. If you are sure you have that right, please contact your Account Manager or call our office at 860.633.4818 and we will assist you.

A: Your Account Manager is always happy to create new user logins for you or any members of your team. Please contact them directly to request a new user ID or contact ZAG at 860.633.4818. An existing user can also request a new user login for a team member by entering the request into ZAG Help.
A: You can submit a new ticket at ZAG Help by logging in with your Workfront credentials. These PDF instructions further explain how to enter a ticket.
A: You can view existing or previously closed work requests on Workfront. Please log in with the same credentials you use for ZAG Help. These PDF instructions further explain how to view existing tickets.
A:  If you have lost or forgotten your username or need your password reset, please contact your Account Manager or call ZAG's directly at 860.633.4818.